Category: medical ppt template

For healthy life it is exceptionally important to keep up a healthy routine. Solid eating regimen is to eat the right sustenance in the perfect sum. Taking in every one of the vitamins, minerals, and sugar, proteins, fat and cancer prevention agents in simply the right amount as needed by body. There is a pattern to be thin and fit nowadays and it is finished by not eating nourishment and doing energetic activity, which is bad for health.

Healthy eating routine arrangements are essential to assisting you with living a long and sickness free life. Healthy eating procedure arrangements don’t imply that you ought to avoid to stay fit and physically. Healthy eating routine arrangements begin with sustenance shopping. Healthy eating regimen arrangements rotate around crisp and unsaturated nourishments, significance vegetables, incline meat and natural products ought to additionally be always in the basic supply cart.
Healthy eating routine arrangements are adaptable and sensible; they are not strict three-dinner a-day arranges that don’t take into account energy. Healthy eating routine arrangements anxiety eating healthfully over weight reduction while weight reduction eating procedure arrangements concentrate just on dropping pounds and spot a lower attention on nutrition. Healthy diets can contain foods from all food teams, and most of the foods you eat can return from contemporary fruits and vegetables. Healthy diet plans encourage victuals and energetic fashion decisions. Healthy living begins with healthy diet plans and continues with exercise and care.

Healthy diet PowerPoint template are designed by professional who knew there job. This template consists of suitable background themes. Through this template you will be able to maintain good health and this template are useful for those who want to make presentation on this topic.

The heart is a body organ that nobody can live without. It is the heart that controls all the body capacities and in this way our bodies can’t capacity well if the heart is not working appropriately. Every beat encourages the working of the whole body and in the event that your heart quits beating, you’re entire body grinds to a stop. Some of the time the term cardiovascular is utilized to refer to the heart.

Life opens us to diverse conditions that influence the working of the heart. By and large, these circumstances are difficult to keep away from and in this manner we have to set up courses on the best way to adapt up to them. The quantity of individual suffering and dying on of sicknesses is expanding consistently. As indicated by the Global Health Organization report, 16.7 million individuals died as an aftereffect of in 2003 (this was 29.2% of the aggregate worldwide passing’s). Currently, this disease is the significant reason for death in US and other a few nations on the planet.

There are a few types of heart ailments. The most widely recognized type is the blockage of the coronary veins, which are the veins in charge of supplying blood to the heart. Coronary supply route blockage is a kind of heart ailment that happens slowly making it more hurtful. It is the motivation behind why individuals create heart attacks.

Another vital viewpoint is to understand the causes for the sicknesses and the structures in which they introduce themselves. Case in point, coronary is the commonest cardiac ailment brought on by the disappointment of veins to pump blood to the heart which is as an aftereffect of substances that heap up in the conduit dividers. Alcoholic illness is another type of cardiac disease which is achieved by over the top utilization of alcohol.

Heart treatment PowerPoint templates are designed by skilled person who knew there job.This ppt consists of suitable background & themes. It also compatible for all devices which are available in the market.

Back pain is a regular sensation in our country with very nearly 80% of the populace scratched from it. The abuse of the muscles in the back or a strain/damage to the ligaments and muscle supporting the spine are the most current reasons for back pain. Back pain can be impairing for every person, especially for people who are overweight. Being overweight spots extra weight on the back and brings about extreme pain. One of the ideal things you can do to relief your agony is to lose some extra weight.

A strain bearing the back muscles because of twisting, bending or lifting some weight by and large prompts back pain. A contamination, joint pain or ovarian pimples can likewise be a reason for back pain.

Back pain may rise unexpectedly however it grows through a more drawn out expression of time and is for the most part a standoff of a hardship attraction the back muscles. The collection of acidic results, for example, lactic corrosive and pyruvic corrosive confines the ordinary working of clout tissues and prompts aggravation or agony in the muscles. This impact in an essential classified as deferred onset sway soreness (DOMS).

Back pain in our country is the greatest reason for sickness from work, so why are we not more proactive about it. Rather than endeavoring any pain killers that have the wanted to achieve mischief to your liver and kidney, it is better picking home solutions for decrease the pain. Additionally, you should move precisely during your time to stay away from improvements that will increase your back pain. Resting with raised knees, using incredible back support, practicing extraordinary body posture, thus on can help to take out with an extensive measure of back pain.

Awareness about Back pain problem ppt helps you to avoid from running crisis room each time you require a right back pain treatment. This ppt effortlessly to download, the download not as much as a moment. They are effectively to be utilized and highly compatible.

A smile reflects your identity pretty much as white sparkly teeth is intelligent of sound dental care and cleanliness, giving you a help to your certainty levels and your persona all in all. From root to crown dental care is a generally consider subject and the emphasis is on to make awareness amongst people in general.

The teeth as it may show up perform more than simply crushing and grinding or making a laugh, they are a vital piece of the body capacity and request great consideration. As the expression goes “Prevention is better than cure” and proper dental consideration can take you far in keeping tooth-rots, terrible breath, plaque, blister, gums-sicknesses and others of the line at the most secure separation from your prosperity.


Dental consideration begins with the right method for brushing to flossing strategies, picking the right toothpaste, about nourishments or beverages that can bring about damage and healthy food and beverages to brace your teeth, oral cleanliness and fight terrible breath. A foundation study uncovers the essentialness of dental consideration furthermore the normal you can set up (health wise and diet) to guarantee that you keep up great solid teeth.

Dental care PowerPoint Template is made by trained and talented persons who are experience and know the seriousness of this issue. This ppt comprises appropriate themes and useful for those individual that want to make presentation on this subject. These Presentations are utilized for fresher to prescribe them to the subject or between the oldies to share or open a discussion.

Dental care PowerPoint Template is utilized to impart information with either the companions, co-workers there could be a many topic which should be talked about or shared with the goal that individual get to be aware of the condition.

Asthma is a respiratory disease that affects millions of peoples each and every day. Lots of people that experience this condition have been diagnosed at some points in their life, usually in early childhood. Some common symptoms of asthma are wheezing, tightness of the chest, unnecessary dry coughing and restlessness in taking breath that turns out to be more noticeable with an increment in physical anxiety and activity.

Asthma can also get worse over time if it is not appropriately treated. Indication of asthma that advancing to a more severe state are increased day by day usage of an inhaler, wheezing and restlessness in taking of breath that is available even at rest and the decreasing ability to do normal physical activity without losing one’s breath.

Asthma is something that you can’t avoid and is a life threatening condition. You can’t afford to take a risk and wait to getting the right asthma treatment. On the off chance that you need to get the best asthma care, you have to get treatment at a medical facility that works in asthma treatments.
Asthma is the issue of the respiratory system, which should be managed and controlled. An asthma patient’s respiratory system is blocked with mucous and there is consistent disturbance in his lungs. In this way, an asthmatic patient has issues in breathing, when he or she has an assault.

Asthma treatment ppt helps you to avoid running emergency room every time you need a right asthma treatment. Actually, it is a smart thought for you to have your respiratory situation re-evaluated to guarantee that you are getting the right treatment. Since numerous ailments can decrease or get progressively worse over time, it is necessary that you are aware of any changes in your condition before you begin to get any type of treatment.
Asthma attack can be occurring due to the following reason.

• Dust
• Pets
• Pollution
• Smoking
• Emotional stress
• Bacteria of some kind
• Indiscretion and food
• €Respiratory infection
• Change in the climate
• Physical activities/ labor

After fighting for months, the Ebola virus wrath is over. The World Health Organization has declared the Ebola hit regions as contamination free. Liberia is amongst the worst hit regions in the world. It has recorded the death toll from 300 to 400 cases every week during this outbreak. For the past few months, there has been hundreds of cases registered suffering from this infection. The mortality rate has increased due to the outbreak of this infection. The doctors and physicians from all over the world worked day and night in controlling the death toll. Every year, lives are lost due to recklessness towards infection. Specific regions of the world were hit by swine flu, some by Ebola outbreak and the list goes on. This infection control powerpoint template aims at educating people about the precautionary measures for controlling infections.

In kindergarten, the children are imparted the lessons about cleanliness and hygiene. It is very essential to inculcate good habits in the early phase. These tutorials not only help in moulding the child, but they also help in keeping the child healthy. This discipline- Infection control is concerned with the prevention of infections. It has been included in the school curriculums and training sessions are organized to educate the illiterate mass of the society. With the objective of educating a pool and spreading awareness, the infection control ppt templates have been prepared.
There are various health organizations that are engaged in the infection control camps. It is necessary to know about your body and the infections that are attracted towards it. There are certain microorganisms that are causative agent for numerous infections. However, there is a distinguishing feature between a good bacteria and an infectious one. The bacterium living in the gut is a good bacterium and during food-poisoning, diarrhoea, there is a loss of these bacteria. Therefore, it is important to be updated about the harmful and beneficial microbes living inside or outside. This particular infection control powerpoint template would cover the harmful and symbiotic organisms living in and around.

Hospitals and healthcare clinics are greatest hubs for the transmission of infectious agents. Every hour, there is a case report with a disease. Some of the infectious agents divide inside its carrier. There is an entire disease cycle operating, either in the agent or in the carrier’s body. There has been standard protocol introduced by the healthcare sectors. It is often advised to accompany kids to the hospitals, only in case of severity. Washing of hands, drying of hands, sterilization, cleaning, use of disinfectants and vaccinations are some of the common measures taken to control infections. The infection control ppt templates are prepared to impart knowledge about the infectious diseases, its carriers and its control measures. This would serve as a beneficial measure and contribute to the goodness and well-being of the society. We could join hands and eradicate any disease outbreak, with high spirits. “Cleanliness is next to godliness”.

In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures known as chromosomes. Histones are the structure supporting proteins which tightly coil the DNA around itself which makes a chromosome. DNA molecules would be too long to fit inside cells, which are Passed from parents to off springs; DNA holds the specific information which makes each living creature unique.
Chromosomes are not visible in the cell’s nucleus not even under a microscope when the cell is not dividing. But during cell division the DNA that makes up chromosomes becomes more tightly packed and thus is visible under a microscope. Studies have been done to know about chromosomes, by observing during the cell division.

Chromosome PowerPoint Template
For an organism to grow and function efficiently, cells must periodically undergo division to produce new cells in order to replace the old and worn-out cells. During cell division, it is necessary for DNA to remain intact and evenly get distributed among cells. Chromosome power point template explains how chromosomes are a key part of the process that ensures DNA is accurately copied and distributed in the vast majority of cell divisions. Still, proofreading is hindered sometimes.
Chromosome power point template freely expresses the changes in the number or structure of chromosomes in new cells which may lead to serious problems. It is also crucial that the reproductive cells, such as eggs and sperm, contain the right number of chromosomes and also that those chromosomes have the correct structure. If not, the resulting offspring may fail to develop properly.
Chromosome power point template sources the difference between the eukaryotic and the prokaryotic chromosomes as they vary in number and shape among living things. Most of the bacteria have one or two circular chromosomes. While humans along with other animals and plants, have linear chromosomes that are arranged in pairs within the nucleus of the cell. Chromosome power point template free analysis on the number and general structure of all 46 chromosomes; it is known as karyotype. While performing a standard karyotype, chromosomes from cells in the body (usually white blood cells) are counted to ensure that the cells evaluated have the correct number of chromosomes, and the structure is evaluated to ensure that no material is missing (deleted), extra (duplicated), or rearranged in any way.
The templates backgrounds an analog mode and thus are laid in a certain order to form logic and better understanding for all those who are looking for chromosome theory of heredity, thus taking him to a next level of understanding. It is highly informative to abide the audience for long as it shares information as how to analyze the chromosomes, how to determine their abnormalities and associated disease, the roles that they play in sex determination, and changes during evolution.

The media could consist of pictures and videos giving a visual to the cell cycle and its different phases resulting from different forms of chromosomes. Thus this presentation is highly informative for all age groups with diversified fields on interest.

Every now and then, there are blood donation campaigns organized. These camps are basically organized by the different blood banks. The donation camp helps the centres to stock up blood samples for emergency purposes. Almost every month, there are camps organized for this noble cause. The awareness programmes are arranged to encourage people to come up and donate for the welfare of the society. Recently, it has been estimated that few blood donors become iron depleted due to regular blood donation. The recovery of haemoglobin is frequently delayed and the donors become anaemic. Blood powerpoint templates aims at providing certain guidelines for the blood donors. It’s very important to keep the body healthy for donor as well as recipients.

Blood powerpoint templates
Heart is the pumping organ of our body. What keeps the heart healthy and active? Healthy blood circulation is very essential for the heart. Blood accounts for about 7% of the human body weight. It constitutes of different components such as RBCs, WBCs, platelets and plasma. Blood carries dissolved oxygen in the body and helps in the purification of the deoxygenated blood. Haemoglobin is the carrier of oxygen in the body. Doctors advise to drink loads of water to facilitate the purification process in the body. The blood ppt templates provide the description about the components of the blood. The templates are designed to help students understand the purification process and pumping of blood in the whole body. These templates contain the information about dietary supplements for enhancing the iron content of the blood.
The most vital component of the human body is blood. It is the fluid connective tissue of the body. The component of the blood helps in purification of blood, fighting with disease causing pathogens. The blood ppt templates elucidates about the fluid dynamics associated with the blood flow. Did you know the fact that, physics is involved behind the blood flow in the body? The flow of blood in the body is governed by the Non- Newtonian fluid dynamics. The blood flow plays an important role in the circulatory system. Vertebrates and invertebrates have separate carriers of oxygen in the body. Hemocyanin is a colourless fluid that facilitates the blood flow in arthropods.
Apart from the basics, the blood powerpoint templates describe about the patients suffering from anaemia. It should not be considered as a chronic disease. Anaemia is just a condition where the red blood cell count drops down below the normal level. This is the most common disorder in pregnant women; they suffer from a low iron or folate level. These conditions are accompanied by higher fatigue level, illness, infection and chances of still birth. There is a strict diet that is advised by the doctors for anaemic nursing mothers. This template helps in spreading awareness throughout all ages, containing descriptive knowledge about the blood connective tissue.

Every woman’s journey to motherhood is different, the first decisions a new mom makes is how to do by her delicate new born. The first and the foremost cent pointer, is a special bonding experience that a mother shares with the child, which is unparalleled, as it provides a special nutrition to the infant, is breastfeeding. When a mother chooses to breastfeed, she invests in her baby’s future. Breastfeeding serves as a perfect food for the baby. Her milk gives the new born a healthy start for lifetime.

Breast milk is uniquely suited to the human infant’s nutritional needs and is a live substance with unbiased immunological and anti-inflammatory properties. Both, the mother and the child are protected from a host of illnesses and diseases. Breastfeeding PowerPoint template helps the new parents to feel smuggish by solving their ambiguity and choosing breastfeeding over formula feeding, as this is one of the biggest decisions.
There are many myths and stories about breastfeeding that are passed around by family and friends like:
• “It’s not that popular – only a few women do it in our country”
• “Breastfeeding will make my breasts saggy”
• “Infant formula is basically the same as breast milk”
• “People don’t like women breastfeeding in public”
• “Breastfeeding is easy for some women, but some don’t produce enough milk”
• “If I breastfeed I can’t have a sex life”

Breastfeeding PowerPoint answers them with rationales as why they are inaccurate or obsolete. It also includes wealth of evidences to demonstrate that breastfeeding provides numerous short- and long-term benefits for both mother and child as early breast milk is liquid gold, it is easier to digest and also explains the changes in breast milk as the baby grows. Babies and mothers need to practice, keeping in mind that the more milk the baby removes from the breasts, the more milk it will make.
Breastfeeding PowerPoint templates describes about the physiology of the breast as knowing how the breast works to produce milk can help in understanding the breastfeeding process. The breast gland includes the glandular tissues, connective tissues, blood, lymph, nerves and fatty tissues. Also breastfeeding is a process that takes time to master.

Breastfeeding PowerPoint includes the timeline as to what will happen with your baby, your milk and you in the first few hours of the birth to days and weeks. It also teaches about the latching positions and the best time for weaning which is a major concern to the new mothers. These templates can anonymously answer the concerns regarding the micro and macronutrients in the mother’s milk, dos and don’ts for a mother and also the ways to express your milk if a mother is unable to breastfeed directly.

DNA lays the blueprint of biological life from its emergence till death. Its discovery has not only brought a revolution in field of science and medicine but has laid an impact in all walks of life; whether they are socially or legally related. DNA’s prevision has become important to the extent that it has even daunted the parameterized security across the globe, as scientific laboratories are being indulged in developing biological weapons.

DNA powerpoint

The answer to “Why Is the Study of DNA Important?” is that DNA is the prerequisite for life’s initiation. The DNA PowerPoint templates are created to study the human DNA and genetics which can be intellectually fascinating. It has been argued that the discovery of DNA as well as our understanding of its structure and functioning may be the most important discovery of the last century and therefore the DNA PowerPoint templates are designed with relevant backgrounds and layout. The effect of the discovery has progressed enormously which involves the identification of our genes which act as a promotion site for major diseases or spotting the inducer to treat these devastating diseases. The templates are accountable in laying the foundation for identification of these genes and their subsequent analysis as they have ultimately influenced science and will continue to do so in the future.

The DNA PowerPoint backgrounds a good understanding and structure to the information stored as a code in DNA which is the necessary for building and conserving an organism. The DNA PowerPoint backgrounds an analog mode and thus are laid in a certain order to form logic and better understanding for all those who are looking for Genealogy. With discriminative stimulus from DNA testing one can trace his ancestors and learn about his family tree, thus taking him to a next level of understanding.
The templates are highly informative to abide the audience for long as the impact of DNA on agriculture has a laid importance. It has allowed breeders to facilitate the breeding of animals that have a better resistance to diseases. Moreover, making the farmers realize that something that looks a little far ahead in the future should be accounted now because a better understanding is necessary to exploit it practically thus allowing them to produce more grains and upholding an important consequence in the developing countries where the population subsists on a small range of staple foods that have little variety.

The media could consists of pictures and videos laying a visual impact as the electrophoretic DNA has resulted in many breakthroughs in criminal cases as it can be used to trace the criminals by comparing both the DNA samples, one found on the crime scene with that extracted from the suspects. Thus this presentation is highly informative for all age groups with diversified fields on interest.